Online Consortium of Oklahoma

Collaboration and Innovation in eLearning

Established in 2018, OCO seeks to further the expertise and development of Oklahoma’s online higher education teaching, learning and communication professionals. Driven by 25 member institutions and partnership with the Council for Online Learning Excellence (COLE), OCO continuously advocates for policy, professional development and resources. Together, OCO members can more effectively promote online learning excellence for Oklahoma and leverage strategies for efficiency in learning technologies.

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Priority Areas


Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources are the ultimate catalyst for student success and faculty collaboration, making higher education more accessible, inclusive, innovative and cost-effective from the first day of class through graduation.



Accessibility is just the beginning; empathy is our end goal. The best online learning experiences are inclusive of the needs of all learners, enabling students to succeed regardless of abilities, supported by design and technology.

Advanced Technology

Advanced Technologies

Teaching in the 21st century demands timely, quality, and relevant pathways for skill development. What seems like a moving target amid an ever-changing technology landscape can be simplified through collaborative learning.

Online Collaboration Groups

Opened to all e-learning innovators in 2015, the Council for Online Learning Excellence (COLE) sought to grow capacity for online teaching and learning expertise through collaboration. Recognizing a greater need to scale the key initiatives of COLE and leverage shared resources and technologies, the Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO) invited members to join in October 2018 and has continued to grow and develop.

Council for Online Learning Excellence


Organizations Represented



Open to All Innovators

Online Consortium of Oklahoma Logo


Institutions Represented


Supporting Organizations

Membership Driven

Making a Difference for Oklahoma

The individuals, agencies, and institutions that compose OCO and COLE are on a mission to empower excellence in online and hybrid learning experiences. It is through our collaborative organizational framework that innovation grows and initiatives advance. Together, we enhance student, faculty, and institutional success in the state of Oklahoma.

Ways You Can Get Involved

Individuals are invited to join the Council for Online Learning Excellence in partnership with students, faculty, administrators, instructional designers/technologists, and librarians from all institutions across Oklahoma.

Institutions and supporting affiliates are encouraged to become members of the Online Consortium of Oklahoma to collaborate and gain access to shared resources and initiatives.

  • Join the Council for Online Learning Excellence today.

    Sign up to receive email updates, meeting invitations, and COLE on Slack.

  • Access online professional development opportunities.

    Sign up for an account and view webinar archives.

  • Attend an upcoming workshop or share your best practices.

    COLE and OCO offer events throughout the year, often facilitated by our own members.