10 Organizational Skills

Sleep and Wake Up on Time

Set your alarm clock in a place where you physically have to get out of bed to turn it off. The more movement your body makes the better chances you will awaken quicker and stay awake.

Create a Clean Work Space

Make your study area neat and clutter-free. Remove any items that will keep you from doing your homework. Minimize noise that might make it hard to concentrate (television, loud music).

Determine Your Best Time to Study

Are you a morning person or a night person? Schedule your most critical tasks when alert and not sluggish. It’s smart to book your studying when you will get the most out of it.

Organize Your Materials

Keep your class notes and course work in order. When it comes to studying, It’s helpful to find everything in one place like one folder on your computer’s desktop or one notebook.

Develop a Schedule

Establish a routine of regular activities including studying, healthy eating, working out, and free time. You will function better physically, emotionally, and mentally. A well-balanced college schedule will give you the most out of your college experience.

Take Notes

Intense note taking is required for classes. Whether you are taking notes on lined paper or on your computer, do a quick read-through after class. When the material is fresh on your mind, you will better remember it and can add anything you might have missed.

Set Daily Goals

Write down a daily to-do list. A daily plan will give you a sense of direction on how you should spend your time.

Turn Off the Distractions

When studying, it’s essential to stay focused. Turn off your smartphone and don’t check your email or social media while on your computer. With your full attention on studying, you will get a lot more accomplished in a shorter amount of time. Phone calls, texts, and emails can wait.

Form a Study Group

Bringing fellow classmates together could prove to be a good learning strategy. Discussing theories and quizzing each other can help boost your knowledge on subject matter. Try to limit your study group to 6 people to keep it from turning into a social event.

Use Your Phone for Reminders

Most phones have a reminder feature. Set your phone to remind you in advance of important events, so you don’t forget to turn in a project or study for an exam.

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Kendall, S. (2019). SignUpGenius, 15 Organizational Tips for College Students. Retrieved from; https://www.signupgenius.com/college/organization-tips-for-college-students.cfm