Formative Assessment in OER Using Pressbooks Results

Description: With Pressbooks Results grade pass back features to the LMS, Pressbooks authors and network managers are able to gain actionable insights into student learning.

Facilitators: John McLeod (Pressbooks)


Building Opportunity for Learning Through Critical Reflection: Implementing a Rubric that Supports Career-Critical Competencies

Description: Utilizing Brookfield’s Four Lenses Model of Critical Reflection (2017), this session focuses on the benefits of critical reflection for developing career-critical competencies and share an authentic assessment tool for evaluating these reflections in the online environment.

Facilitators/Institution: Kari Henry-Hulett, Renee Cambiano, and Kathy Sebold (Northeastern State University)


Strengthening our Online Program with Peer Reviews

Description: Required peer reviews are challenging! This session describes our experience implementing a peer review process to support those new to online instruction at the pandemic’s beginning. We discuss how the internal review works and why we adopted the process as an annual event for all who teach online.

Facilitators: Jennifer Campbell and Greg Stone (Tulsa Community College)


No X-Boxes Please: Measuring Students’ Online Readiness

Description: How do you know if a student is truly ready for an online learning format? Come join a panel of industry experts to learn what higher education institutions are doing in Oklahoma to help ensure students’ success by assessing learners’ readiness

Facilitators: Jeni Maple and Christala Smith (Southeastern Oklahoma State University), and Amanda Keesee (University of Central Oklahoma)


2021 OKLIS: The Rubric as Individualized Assignment Instructions

Description: Grading feedback is only effective in the learning process if it is reviewed and used by the students. For my Composition class, I have re-designed the rubric to contain instructions for a follow up assignment, personalized to what they individually need to work on to improve their writing skills. In this session, I will show the rubric I have made and how it is used in my class. Participant discussion of how this could be improved or how a similar approach might be used for other subjects will be welcome!

Facilitators: Christala Smith (Southeastern Oklahoma State University)


2021 OKLIS: Instructions Unclear: Infographics and Assignment Instructions

Description: This session discusses the use of visual rhetoric to increase learning comprehension and engagement in online and hybrid courses. In particular, I will share examples using free graphic design software, such as Piktochart and Canva, to demonstrate how transforming traditional text- only assignment instructions to visual assignment instructions (aka “infographics”) impacts student engagement and understanding. l will also present research on best practices and results of this and similar uses of visual rhetoric on student engagement.

Facilitators: Pamela Rollins (Southwestern Oklahoma State University)


2021 OKLIS: Online Excellence Showcase: Surviving The Great Pivot of 2020: OU’s Transition to Online Instruction in First-Year Math Classes

Description: In March 2020, the First Year Math Team at OU, like many others in higher education, transitioned from in-person to online instruction. Much of the online instruction and tutoring carried over into the fall 2020 semester. In this presentation, I will focus on the team’s efforts to allow meaningful student engagement and rigorous assessments in online environments while trying to take into account the additional stress both instructors and students were encountering. The presentation will cover lessons learned and what we hope to take away from this experience.

Facilitators: Dr. Deborah Moore-Russo (University of Oklahoma)


OK Nursing Remote Labs Workshop

Description: For nursing faculty and online learning professionals: a workshop to uncover issues related to teaching traditional skills and nursing simulations remotely. The workshop will brainstorm ideas and help participants start a plan to prepare for any future transition to remote instruction.

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)


To Proctor, or Not to Proctor? Assessment is the Question

Description: Many faculty approaching a new term of fully remote instruction may now be wondering how to ensure academic integrity and identity of learners outside of the traditional classroom. This session will first provide you with an overview of various techniques to assess learners in the online environment, some of which do not require any form of proctoring. For those cases where proctoring is necessary, a sampling of current online proctoring strategies and technologies will help inform faculty and administrators.

Facilitators: Bucky Dodd (University of Central Oklahoma); Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)


Online Lab Conundrum – Virtual Workshop

Description: Have you been grappling with whether labs can be delivered effectively in the online environment? This session will review what the Eberly College of Science at Penn State University is doing for online labs, proving that it’s not about the labs, it’s about the outcomes. This highly interactive and collaborative session will utilize problem-based learning to help participants uncover strategies to use in their own courses.

Facilitators: Melissa Hicks (Penn State University)


Online Education and COVID-19: Answering the Call to Action

Description: All hands on deck! With the spread of COVID-19 this spring semester, many institutions have answered the unexpected call to action to continue operations by bringing online education to all students. This session will ask attendees to dig in and explore ways to maintain the quality of online learning and innovation within this record-paced transformation of interactions, environments, strategies, and cultures. During this collaborative session, we will develop a toolkit with resources to help you promote innovation in teaching, course design, program design, and learning culture at your institution.

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education), Bucky Dodd (University of Central Oklahoma)

Friday, April 10, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Central


Getting Rid of Grades, Making Room for Feedback

Description: This session will provide an overview of un-grading, a movement in both K-12 and higher ed to put the focus on feedback, not grades. The goal: increase motivation, decrease stress, and advance learning by providing students with actionable feedback instead of number/letter grades.

Presenter: Laura Gibbs (University of Oklahoma)

Tuesday, April 7, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Central


Developing Online Teaching Skills

Description: Learn what skills are critical for online instructors, and how to develop those skills while also motivating online instructors to stay active and engaged in their courses right alongside their students.

Presenter: Simon Ringsmuth (Oklahoma State University

Thursday, April 2, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Central


The Trials and Tribulations of Building an Institutional KPI Dashboard

Description: From the humble beginnings of automating a paper statistics report to predictive analytics, the KPI Dashboard (custom built by the IDEA Team at UCO using Blackboard Analytics) has had its share of growing pains as well as triumphs. This session will discuss some of the features (room search, schedule toxicity, enrollment projection, and department and university profiles) and the pitfalls, both hit and avoided, along the way.

Presenter: Liz Crowell (University of Central Oklahoma), Sean Gausman (University of Central Oklahoma)

Wednesday, April 1, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Central


Planning the Trip

Description: Beginning with the end in mind, this workshop will take a look at measurable course objectives and how they provide the foundation for much of the design, including types of learning activities and assessments that are necessary to help learners achieve the desired outcomes. We’ll consider course mapping and module mapping and how participants might share those in their online course designs. The emphasis throughout this session is on alignment.

Facilitators: Dana Lindon-Burgett (Rose State College)