Faculty Development
Quality Matters — Getting the Most From the Resource
Does your institution use QM? Are you just getting started or need a refresher on some of the tools & resources? This session will provide a nice overview of the different resources provided to QM members. We’ll discuss different types of course reviews, training opportunities, and strategies for promoting the resource to your campus.
Dana Lindon-Burgett (Rose State College)
Empowering Educators: The Flexible Teaching/Learning Workshop Journey
Discover how the University of Central Oklahoma is revolutionizing faculty development with its Flexible Teaching and Learning workshop. This presentation explores collaborative efforts between departments to empower faculty in diverse teaching modalities. Learn about workshop design, best practices, and future plans, fostering adaptive teaching skills and continuous improvement.
Amanda Keesee, Eric Kyle, and Kristen Gregory (University of Central Oklahoma)
AI as a tool: Ethical and Responsible AI Use
Is it possible to have a writing class where students use AI ethically and transparently? Yes it is! Come hear about ways to encourage responsible student AI use.
Laura Dumin (University of Central Oklahoma
From Awareness to Action: Providing Time and Space for Faculty to Create
Last year, Tulsa Community College librarians created a workshop series designed to provide time, space, and guidance for faculty interested in exploring the OER options available within their discipline. This session will include a look at the workshop modules, as the presenters share the thought process behind the design and content, as well as results, feedback, and their current process of revising it into an online, asynchronous format.
Facilitators: Jamie Holmes, and Amy Lagers (Tulsa Community College)
Creating a culture of responsiveness: Shifting the concept of office hours
Description: Faculty availability to support learners outside synchronous classroom sessions is vital to learner success. The 20th century solution was defined office hours for scheduled, in-person meetings. Now, with technological advances, new tools, and concepts from services marketing, faculty and administrators can collaborate to create a culture of responsiveness, supporting faculty flexibility that improves learner success.
Facilitators: Dana Gray and Maryann Lamer (Rogers State University)
Strengthening our Online Program with Peer Reviews
Description: Required peer reviews are challenging! This session describes our experience implementing a peer review process to support those new to online instruction at the pandemic’s beginning. We discuss how the internal review works and why we adopted the process as an annual event for all who teach online.
Facilitators: Jennifer Campbell and Greg Stone (Tulsa Community College)
2021 OKLIS: Want to Know About OER? Come Learn With Us!
Description: To promote the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Oklahoma, members of COLE’s OER subcommittee have developed two sets of modules – OER: 101 and OER: A Deeper Dive, as well as an open textbook – Open Educational Resources: Basics & Beyond.
The self-paced modules frame the objectives and refer the learner to the textbook, which contains most of the content and includes interactive quizzes to reinforce concepts. Upon completion of each chapter, learners return to the course site, where they can complete an activity to demonstrate deeper understanding and earn a digital badge, which can be used to show competency in this area.
The presentation will introduce the course and textbook, how to gain access, and explain how they work together. The presenters will also share their own process of adapting these OERs from “Texas Learn OER,” an open course produced by the Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas (DigiTex) and licensed under CC-BY 4.0.
Facilitators: Jamie Holmes (Tulsa Community College), Dr. Pamela Louderback (Northeastern State University), Ann Raia (Oklahoma City Community College)
2021 OKLIS: Online Excellence Showcase: OU K20 Center
Description: In 2020, the K20 Center’s 24th annual Innovative Learning Institute (ILI) was held virtually for the first time. ILI is traditionally focused on sharing best practices and cutting edge technology for teaching and learning for a variety of educators and school types. This year, pandemic restrictions made addressing innovative learning more important than ever. The K20 Center used various online platforms to build and create an online community for ILI, keeping strong the network of educator support and collaboration cultivated through the previous Institutes, but expanding to create an interactive, collaborative and sustainability professional learning experience while aligning ILI with existing K20 Center virtual resources including the online lesson repository, digital educational games, and free online professional development. Despite the challenges of 2020, the K20 Center created a conference that facilitated mentorship, innovation, and shared strategies using the center’s foundational partnerships and resources. The K20 Center set out to do this all while holding the 2020 Innovative Learning Institute 100% virtually.
Facilitators: Dr. Jackie Mania-Singer, Dr. Dawn Pearce, Danny Mattox, Lacy Pennington
2021 OKLIS: Adaptive Teacher Development Strategies for Teaching STEM-related Information Systems with Analytics
Description: Women are often underrepresented in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) professions. Without access to equitable opportunities to explore careers, acquire interdisciplinary contents, and develop the 21st century skills that can further impede women’s abilities to participate in the highly competitive global workforce; and succeed in fast-growing, STEM-related emerging careers (e.g. analytics, data science). This multi-tier STEM Career Builder grant (2018-2021), funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), aims to discover what partnership models, strategies, and innovations can effectively support female high school teachers and students through the research, development (R&D) and implementation of five multi-tier interventions: (1) teacher professional development (PD), (2) a summer academy, (3) job shadowing, (4) mentoring, and (5) internships, and research fellowships.
Facilitators: Dr. Joselina Cheng, Alexia Benson (University of Central Oklahoma)
2021 OKLIS: Reaching the Summit Through OER Across Oklahoma
Description: Whether you are an OER champion or just discovering the magic that is open education, we have opportunities to share with you! Join the co-chairs of COLE’s OER subcommittee and OSRHE’s director of online learning to hear how you can get involved. Plan to come away with a plan for how you could embark upon your own journey with OER with the support from your friends throughout the state. We will discuss who in Oklahoma is collaborating on OER, professional development opportunities for faculty and staff, and resources from the Council for Online Learning Excellence (COLE) and Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO) available at zero cost!
Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education), Dr. Kathy Essmiller (Oklahoma State University), Marla Lobley (East Central University)
2021 OKLIS: OPEN OCO: OER Collaborations Through Pressbooks
Description: In October 2020, the Online Consortium of Oklahoma launched OPEN OCO, a shared instance of PressbooksEDU. This dynamic platform provides 30 initial open textbook project spaces to OCO members, in addition to an option for unlimited access for individual institutions.
During this session, you will gain an understanding of Pressbooks and explore some OER developed using the system. You will also be some of the first in OK higher ed to hear about our upcoming opportunities for project funding.
Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)
2021 OKLIS: Online Excellence Showcase: Surviving The Great Pivot of 2020: OU’s Transition to Online Instruction in First-Year Math Classes
Description: In March 2020, the First Year Math Team at OU, like many others in higher education, transitioned from in-person to online instruction. Much of the online instruction and tutoring carried over into the fall 2020 semester. In this presentation, I will focus on the team’s efforts to allow meaningful student engagement and rigorous assessments in online environments while trying to take into account the additional stress both instructors and students were encountering. The presentation will cover lessons learned and what we hope to take away from this experience.
Facilitators: Dr. Deborah Moore-Russo (University of Oklahoma)
Developing Online Teaching Skills
Description: Learn what skills are critical for online instructors, and how to develop those skills while also motivating online instructors to stay active and engaged in their courses right alongside their students.
Presenter: Simon Ringsmuth (Oklahoma State University
Thursday, April 2, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Central
Starting Strong in Online Teaching
Description: If you have never taught online, recently began teaching online, or would just like a refresher, consider joining us for this 2 hour session focused on helping educators begin their online teaching journey. The session will be interactive and include several examples. Some of the topics that will be covered are: • Faculty readiness • Needed technical skills and how to strengthen those skills • Creating an online community • Re-thinking the instructor’s role in an online class • Ideas to help student’s start strong in an online class • Examples of consistent organization & navigation
Facilitators: Randy Dominguez (Tulsa Community College), Dana Lindon-Burgett (Rose State College)
How to Get Started Teaching Online
Description: This session is a virtual panel discussion on lessons learned from administration, faculty, and Instructional Design perspectives for those who are just beginning to teach online. Issues addressed will include training needed, course design considerations, managing an online course, and communication tips. Join us for a panel presentation and then open discussion on how to get started with teaching online.”
Facilitators: Randy Dominguez (Tulsa Community College)