Build Your OCO/Regents OER Grant Proposal

Description: Did you know the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education has offered easy-to-apply-for faculty grants for the adoption and use of OER? Come hear how OSU faculty have earned grants for work they were already doing, or work that they were able to easily incorporate into their semester plans.

Facilitators/Institution: Kathy Essmiller and Christina Colquhoun (Oklahoma State University)


Teaching of Physics Courses with Open Educational Resources

Description: In this presentation, I will be sharing my experience using different types of Open Educational Resources (OER) in teaching physics courses. Several research studies have shown increase student learning with the use of OER. Materials available on OER can be customized effectively with variety of combinations to create a quality course.

Facilitators: Susmita Hazra (Cameron University)


How to Use Pressbooks to Create Your Next OER

Description: 2022 Oklahoma OER Summit: Presented by Amy Song and Jocelyn Jones (Pressbooks), This session will provide information and platform guidance for both novices and experts when creating an OER in Pressbooks. Two representatives from Pressbooks will take you through the process from start to finish.

Facilitators: Amy Song and Jocelyn Jones (Pressbooks)


Exploring H5P: What it means, and how to use it to create dynamic, engaging OER

Description: Dynamic, interactive content can enhance Open Educational Resources such as textbooks and other online materials and allow for greater student satisfaction and higher levels of retention, comprehension, and understanding. H5P, or HTML-5 Packages, make it simple to create customized content such as dialog cards, image collages, drag-the-words, memory games, and much more—all of which can be added to Pressbooks and other publishing platforms. This presentation will help participants understand what HTML5 means and why it’s so important to the modern web, and also demonstrate the process of locating, customizing, and implementing interactive H5P elements in OER materials.

Facilitators: Simon Ringsmuth (Oklahoma State University)


Personalize Your Google Scholar Library

Description: Creating a personalized Google Scholar Library helps researchers work more efficiently and reduces the overwhelm that can come from such a large quantity of options from results in the Google Scholar search.

Facilitators: Ally Sharp (Langston University)


OER 101: An Overview

Description: The benefits of incorporating Open Educational Resources (OER) into our classrooms go far beyond the obvious one of making education more affordable for all, but for many educators and stakeholders, they still hold a little (or a lot!) of mystery. This session will attempt to get everyone on the same page by providing a brief, general overview of OER, including what and where they are, how to use them, the benefits they bring, and where to learn more.

Facilitators: Jamie Holmes (Tulsa Community College)


Teaching with Pressbooks

Description: This session will present an example of how an OER textbook supported on the Pressbooks platform is used with pre-service teachers. How the content of the OER was selected and adapted will be discussed as well as open pedagogy strategies used to support the achievement of student learning outcomes.

Facilitators: Jason Proctor (Northeastern State University)


OER Funding Opportunities Review

Description: For the 2022-23 academic year, OSRHE is offering funding opportunities to faculty and staff at Oklahoma’s public colleges and universities for open educational resources. Join us to hear how you can take advantage of these opportunities! For faculty, open textbook adoption/development grants are available to help convert courses to zero-cost, openly licensed instructional materials. For faculty and staff who support teaching and learning, incentives are available to complete a basic OER training course offered through the Online Consortium of Oklahoma.

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)


The State of OER in Oklahoma 2022

Description: Join the OSRHE online education team to hear what’s happening with OER in Oklahoma this year! Through the initiatives led by the Council for Online Learning Excellence (COLE) and Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO), faculty and staff now have access to free professional development, free OER development resources, and grant funding opportunities for those areas. Visit us at https://OCOlearnOK.org to learn more about our online learning and OER initiatives!

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)


Lifelong Learning & Open Education

Description: Brainstorm with colleagues on how to provide opportunities to students to develop lifelong learning competencies. Learn about the lifelong learning competencies identified in research by a 3-year federally funded grant project and how there are many opportunities to develop them with Open Education.

Facilitators: Marla Lobley (East Central University) Kathy Essmiller (Oklahoma State University) Jamie Holmes (Tulsa Community College)


Finding, Using, and Creating Free Multimedia Resources

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit: Simon Ringsmuth (Oklahoma State University) explores solutions for finding and using royalty-free images and multimedia available for use in educational settings without violating copyright laws.


InfOERmation Literacy: The New Literacies Alliance and Scalable Solutions for Dealing With a Complex Information Environment

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit: Matt Upson (Oklahoma State University), Melissa Mallon (Vanderbilt University), Melia Fritch (Kansas State University) discuss the New Literacies Alliance (NLA), an inter-institutional academic library project that creates OER on information-seeking and research concepts that can be adapted for use in a variety of disciplinary contexts. This session will provide an overview of NLA resources and opportunities to participate in future lesson planning activities.


Making an Open Information Literacy Textbook: A Case Study in OER Collaborations Among Four Academic Librarians

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit:  Jamie Holmes and Adam Brennan (Tulsa Community College), Calantha Tillotson (University of Tennessee at Knoxville; formerly of East Central University), and Sarah Burkhead Whittle (Northeastern State University) share their experiences working together to create an open textbook on Pressbooks. A useful case study for anyone interested in pursuing their own Open Educational Resources (OER) project, they will share their insights on early planning and choosing a team, meshing original with existing material, adding interactivity, and the editing and publishing process.


Teaching Teachers With OER

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit: Jason Proctor (Northeastern State University) presents various examples of OER used with pre-service teachers, discuss student feedback of OER used in courses, and share tips about finding and creating OER.


Using a Free Geometry App and Activity-Based Text in a Course for Elementary Ed Majors

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit: Chris Oehrlein (Oklahoma City Community College) describes the sophomore-level Geometry and Measurement course designed for pre-service teachers. The presenter will provide examples of activities and assignments using the OER text, geometry app, and college’s LMS. The presenter will also describe and analyze the standards-based grading scheme used in the course.


Collaboration & Growth: Getting Philosophical About OER

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit: Heather Wilburn, Jamie Holmes, Jennifer Brummett (Tulsa Community College) share lessons learned while creating an open philosophy anthology using original texts from various openly licensed or public domain sources. Attendees can expect to hear solutions developed to overcome various challenges, ideas for inviting different voices into the book, and ways to integrate a variety of formative learning objects, multimedia, and the social annotation tool, Hypothesis, including an opportunity to set up and practice using their own Hypothesis account.


Open Education Practices 101: How to Get Started When You Have No Help

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit: Presented by Jay Fulgencio, Ph.D. (Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City), Open Education Practices provides an outlet for educators to create, adapt, and adopt their teaching skills with open education resources without the hassle of violating copyrights or paying hefty licensing feeds on specific content for the classroom. In this session, individuals will learn to create content with open education tools from open education resources.


Building and Scaling a Culture of Open at Tulsa Community College

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit:  Jennifer Kneafsey and Lisa Haldeman (Tulsa Community College) share real-world strategies for advancing and scaling OER initiatives. Participants will discuss strategies for course marking, student involvement, and overcoming challenges. Course marking legislation from other states will be summarized so that participants are aware of national trends related to OER legislation. 


2021 OKLIS: A Deeper Dive into Pressbooks Plugins and Accessibility

Description: This session will provide an overview of some of the more advanced features of the Pressbooks platform, focusing on its available plugins. Participants will hear about H5P, Hypothesis, LaTeX, MathJax, and TablePress. Best practices will also be provided for ensuring digital accessibility of Pressbooks OER.

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education), Jamie Holmes (Tulsa Community College)


2021 OKLIS: OPEN OCO and OPEN OKSTATE Pressbooks Basics

Description: This continued introduction to OPEN OCO Pressbooks will provide an overview of how to find existing Pressbooks, how to import your own existing content into Pressbooks, and how to navigate the dashboard of an existing Pressbooks OER.

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education), Jamie Holmes (Tulsa Community College)


2021 OKLIS: Want to Know About OER? Come Learn With Us!

Description: To promote the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Oklahoma, members of COLE’s OER subcommittee have developed two sets of modules – OER: 101 and OER: A Deeper Dive, as well as an open textbook – Open Educational Resources: Basics & Beyond.

The self-paced modules frame the objectives and refer the learner to the textbook, which contains most of the content and includes interactive quizzes to reinforce concepts. Upon completion of each chapter, learners return to the course site, where they can complete an activity to demonstrate deeper understanding and earn a digital badge, which can be used to show competency in this area.

The presentation will introduce the course and textbook, how to gain access, and explain how they work together. The presenters will also share their own process of adapting these OERs from “Texas Learn OER,” an open course produced by the Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas (DigiTex) and licensed under CC-BY 4.0.

Facilitators: Jamie Holmes (Tulsa Community College), Dr. Pamela Louderback (Northeastern State University), Ann Raia (Oklahoma City Community College)


2021 OKLIS: OPEN OCO: OER Collaborations Through Pressbooks

Description: In October 2020, the Online Consortium of Oklahoma launched OPEN OCO, a shared instance of PressbooksEDU. This dynamic platform provides 30 initial open textbook project spaces to OCO members, in addition to an option for unlimited access for individual institutions.

During this session, you will gain an understanding of Pressbooks and explore some OER developed using the system. You will also be some of the first in OK higher ed to hear about our upcoming opportunities for project funding.

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)


2021 OKLIS: Reaching the Summit Through OER Across Oklahoma

Description: Whether you are an OER champion or just discovering the magic that is open education, we have opportunities to share with you! Join the co-chairs of COLE’s OER subcommittee and OSRHE’s director of online learning to hear how you can get involved. Plan to come away with a plan for how you could embark upon your own journey with OER with the support from your friends throughout the state. We will discuss who in Oklahoma is collaborating on OER, professional development opportunities for faculty and staff, and resources from the Council for Online Learning Excellence (COLE) and Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO) available at zero cost!

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education), Dr. Kathy Essmiller (Oklahoma State University), Marla Lobley (East Central University)


2021 OKLIS: Online Excellence Showcase: Lessons Learned: Leading an OER Initiative on Campus

Description: Marla Lobley is the winner of the 2021 Oklahoma Online Excellence Award for Individual Leadership. This session discusses what elements of an OER initiative at East Central University have worked well and what mistakes have turned into learning opportunities.

Facilitators: Marla Lobley (East Central University)


Oklahoma OER Summit

Held on October 30, the 2020 Oklahoma OER Summit is now available as an on-demand course.  Faculty and staff may complete a short quiz upon viewing the resources to earn the OER CHAMPION digital badge from the Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO).


Celebrating Online Learning Excellence in Oklahoma, Part I

Description: This event will showcase the 2020 Oklahoma Online Excellence Award winners.

Facilitator:  Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)

Guest Presenters: Jason Stone, Breeman Ainsworth, Dorothy Weaver (OSU-OKC Division of Liberal Arts)

Friday, April 3, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Central


A Practical Guide to Teaching Online Courses

Description: This presentation will cover proven strategies to set-up faculty, their students, and their departments for success in online courses. The use of data-driven decisions, mobile course design, mobile content development, implementing OER, and the engagement-edutainment of students will be demonstrated from online science courses across Oklahoma. This presentation will empower you to achieve higher enrollment, higher student completion rates, and higher personal satisfaction in your online courses – while having a blast!

Facilitators: Kenny Tapp (University of Central Oklahoma)


OpenStax in Science

Description: This presentation will focus on experiences gained through implementation of the OpenStax OER in a community college science course. Tools that have assisted with this implantation will also be presented and discussed.

Facilitators: Amanda Carlisle (Beaufort County Community College)


Implementing Open Educational Resources

Description: Open licensing, open access journals and open educational resources provide the foundation for a world in which universal access to education is possible. Governments are supporting this shift with a move toward open policies: requiring public access to publicly funded resources. Dr. Cable Green, Director of Open Education at Creative Commons, will provide an overview of open licensing and OER, and discuss specific examples where faculty, institutions and governments have moved the default on practice, culture and funding from “closed” to “open.”

Facilitators: Cable Green (Creative Commons)